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Clean the Glass in Your on Glass House Before You Point Out My Smudges.

As a society we somehow instinctively have opinions or judge others based on our own set principles, child rearing practices, or moral reasoning. We never stop to think of how others may not have had the opportunities as we may have had, or we may not have had the same experiences as one another. So for this we are quick to point out one another mistakes, misfortunes, mishaps and lack their of and ready to cast the first stone at someone glass house. It is like meas I observe you playing with matches in your paper house. Who are you to judge? We all fall short up from time to time and need to be corrected or encouraged to do a little better along the way. But throwing stones is not helpful to anyone. Stones can come in many forms, by way of (gossip, jealousy. back biting, turning your back in the time of need, manipulating the situation, not being there in the time of need, antagonizing the situation, etc). Some will be quick to point out the smudges on your glass anything to avoid looking at and addressing all the finger prints and smudges that presents itself on their glass house from top to bottom. You see why attack someone else when you are vulnerable yourself? you too live in a "glass house" don't you know you too are experiencing life's ups and downs. Would it be fair that someone peeks through your glass and discovers all of your imperfections and misfortunes then broadcast it all over, so that others can collect stones to throw at your glass house? Absolutely not! So this is why you should clean your glass and assist your fellow man or woman and show them how to clean their glass properly so when others a spectating they have nothing to discuss but how well your glass house shines. So the next time you feel the urge to pick up a rock look around your room and began to clean your smudges and you won't have time to even look up and see anyone else.

Thank You,

Dr. Ashunda Q. Harris

Purposeful Life

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