take control of
Through life coaching services, I help you achieve:
Clarity, meaning, fulfillment, reduced stress, healthier relationships, purpose, personal and professional success.
stop talking
Fall in love with you! Love is the greatest and most powerful energy in existence. Believe that you are your own dream weaver, ideal mother, precious child, and best friend. Direct you love, healing energy, comforter, best friend, towards Y-O-U. Send yourself the love and respect as you do for your love ones. Make you a number 1 priority.
Embark on the journey of self discovery.
Live in alignment on exactly who you are and who you are destined to become. Be led by the natural inclination that is encoded in your soul. Don';t worry about what others think.
Free yourself through healing and forgiveness.
We all have what’s called a “pain-body,” a shadow part of us where all the negativity of a lifetime has built up a residue. When we heal the pain-body, we thrive.
ell your inner critic where to go.
Your inner critic is that voice in your head forever cajoling you to be perfect as opposed to human. As you go to higher levels of who you are, be motivated by love of self as opposed to self-policing. Replace self-criticism with self-compassion.
Awakening, transforming, life altering, surrendering who you thought you were for what you can and will become … these are just some thoughts that come to mind after working with Ashunda Harris. Ashunda is an amazing coach. Remain open and trust the process; she will help you powerfully change the trajectory of your life.”
– Angela Brown
I went from being a over stressed, over worked, overwhelmed single mother who was disorganized in every area in her life to being A confident organized woman who know how to strategegically setting goals and mastering them
-Kimberly Stan
Dramatically shifted from feeling lost and directionless to creating the life they longed for.
-Alex Quinn
My husband and I refocused our goals, rediscovered our interests and revitalized our relationship after 25 years of marriage.
-Stephanie & Johnathan Bridges
“Awakening, transforming, life altering, surrendering who you thought you were for what you can and will become … these are just some thoughts that come to mind after working with Ashunda Harris. Ashunda is an amazing coach. Remain open and trust the process; she will help you powerfully change the trajectory of your life.”
– Keith Pearson
Your Greatest Self.
Being precisely who you are, at your highest level, is your ticket to magnetizing the things you want most in your life. This is true for your love life, career, relationships, prosperity, health, and so on. It’s also the magic formula that will enable you to make a more powerful contribution to this world than you ever thought possible.
take back
Step into your self-importance.
A healthy version of this much-maligned trait is critical if we are to do anything other than play small. Anyone who has accomplished anything of significance has placed importance upon themselves. It means prioritizing your desires, committing to yourself, and honoring your goals and intentions. It means taking yourself seriously. It means stepping into your full power, splendor, and majesty. It means calmly and humbly being the master of your destiny.
 Radically Relax” (aka MEDITATE).
“Letting go” on a daily basis is a game-changer. Just 15-minutes is medicine for an entire 24-hour window. A regular practice yields healing along with greater serenity, well-being, and confidence. Your anxiety fades away. Stress is replaced by wherewithal, the capacity to handle life’s demands with grace and aplomb. You grow more patient, less reactionary, and less easily triggered. You deepen your intuition and palpably feel your connection to source.