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The True Value of Friendship

Good morning purpose driven people!!!! Today I want to chat about value. How many of you believe that you truly have someone in your lives that you honestly value as a friend ? I am not talking about your children a real adult relationship because some of you don't know how to separate parent from friend. (This is another topic for discussion ). Friendships are a blessing, but also a lesson as well. From living friends you learn how to be loyal. Kind, caring, empathetic, patient,, and forgiving. We learn to love who we are more because we embrace the traits and characteristics we gained. We learn to embrace the curves in the paths our life's journey may shift and take because we now have insight through different lenses and perspectives of our friends.

But the one thing that over the years of my friendship with my loves is that there are no rules and restrictions. We we were young we pinky swore to always be true to each other and honest no matter what. Now as we grew older some of us wanted to forget the rule but, one of us or two would always remember the code. This code was placed there because we truly cared and loved one another. (If I could bold this I would) it does not matter how old we get, single, married, children, divorced, separated, background, sex, shape and best friend is a best friend and it does not change on circumstances. A best is a best friend whether crazy or sane we are in it we chose to love each other.....

Understand this friendship does not always mean commonality, of course there are some shared traits and likes in a friendship but it isn't the only factor. It is about being connected despite how different we may be we discover one another , the world together, and build a strong relationship around it. We do not always agree or like what you like or who you like. However, the one thing we do share is one another best interest at heart.

As a teenager the best friend category and expectations were different for me at 20 and at 20 it was different than 30 and 30 it is different

Than my mid 40's. As in anything we should always strive for better or you will be stuck in your old ways. When you do you may end up friendless because growth and progression must happen in all things.

I shared this today because friendships are tested like any other relationships. We have to sometimes reevaluate ourselves in the position and parts we play in our friendships. Then weigh out is it worth the efforts,energy, and love we place in it. I must say most of the time if it's a true friendship it is. But you must 1st know how to be a friend in order to have it reciprocated.

Love, Peace, and Blessings

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